Through trial and error I have found that it is absolutely necessary to preheat your oven to 400* and have it COMPLETELY PREHEATED. Also, your ingredients need to be fairly close to room temperature. If your oven isn't hot and your ingredients are cold, your pancakes won't fluff up and curl. They will still taste pretty good but they aren't as pretty.
So here we go. You will need:
4 eggs- room temperature
2/3 cup of flour
2/3 cup of milk room temperature
2 tbs of butter-room temperature, softened
1 tbs of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
Food processor or a whisk
2 9 inch cake pans.
According to her blog's reviews, this can be done easily with a whisk, but I just love the excuse to use my food processor, and it does all the work for me :)
Start by getting your (4 room temp) eggs really nice and fluffy and light yellow. After that, add everything else and get it all very well incorporated. You don't have to worry about over mixing because you want a nice smooth batter.
Almost done :) This literally took like 2 minutes.
Put batter in your greased cake pans. This recipe makes 2 9 inch pancakes but I stretch mine and make 2 9 inch and one small one for Ashton. Bake your pancakes (in your hot oven) for 15 minutes on 400 and then decrease the temp to 350 and bake for about another 15 minutes.
Go find a cute little (almost) 2 year old and watch him play while you drink your coffee and your pancakes do their magic.
Pull 'er out of the oven and gaze... And then decide what you're gonna top 'er with.
Chris likes his with mini chocolate chips, powdered sugar and syrup. :)
Happy New Year!